Had a bad experience with your product or service?
Tried to do something online and it doesn't work?
We are on a mission to turn errror or negative experiences into positive ones through a best in class customer service experience
Identify and investigate error scenarios in user experience, customer journeys and processes for any products or services.
We specialise in billing and broaband but as the basics for customer service are the same in any industry.
Learn directly from listening to customer complaints and contacts or just be a customer and see what happens..
Fix the error for those customers and delight them through best in class customer service.
Recognise that an error is not a reason for a customer to leave but handled right will lead to more loyal customers. Quickly improve the product, processes and crucially customer support information to eliminate or minimise or at least improve the error handling. Therefore, ensure that future customers have a better experience. Quantify the cost of errors and opportunity cost. Measure everything with the right and meaningful statistics.
- 67% of customer who have a poor experience with a product or service will leave
- Only 1 in 28 customers who have an issue will actually tell the company
- It is very rare that a customer experience issue will actually be understood by someone in the company who can and will do something so it does not happen again or the best mitigation can be applied to future customers with the same issue.
-Customers who had a poor experience but then have customer service experience which is beyond what the customer expected will go on to generate 10%+ more revenue
The customer is always right, details matter, my goof your gain. be polite
With best in class error management we can grow any business by at least 10%.
Britain has reputation for poor customer service.
Technology does not always work.
That is okay but when there is an error and something does not work, then it is how it handled that makes all the difference.
Often when something is wrong there is no feedback to customer at all or there is error message with just a code, or please try again later (how much later?) or error with a random meaningless number.. no call to action, no explanation how to fix..no direction to contact the company for further info..
Some customers will give up at this point or endless try again hoping for a different result.. Other customers will search the product website or Google often in vain of finding the definitive answers.
Some will spend an hour trying to find a phone number to call and then another hour going through infuriating IVR systems or chatbots before you can then speak to a disinterested unmotivated, disempowerd staff member
A staff member who just wants to get you off the phone in order to meet the wrong metrics.
It is unlikely they can understand your issue let alone provide a resolution and even more likely they will proactively offer you a gesture of goodwill for letting them know.
Then what are the chances the next poor customer will have to go through the same nightmare..
I hate to think that If I had an issue then I know that other customers will have the same issue. . I have myriad personal experiences in my everyday life of this across many products
I’m passionate about this and what to do something about it.
In my previous role as a product manager responsible for multi million revenue line I decided that I wanted to make the product I was looking after best in class. This meant proactively listening to customers calls directly. We transformed the product call centre to do the basics right: 12 seconds average time to answer a customer call. World leading for not just the industry but any industry. We then investigated the Error scenarios. 50,000 customers a month were seeing “ Error7”. We significantly improved the error message with information about what the error actually was and how to recitify including directing the customers to call or whatsapp the call centre. We understood what was going wrong and explained to customer why they got the error and how to mitigate. 67% of customers who got the error and did not contact the company left the service. 100% who we helped stayed. I then discovered this error was across all products, not just mine. I calculated the error has directly/indirectly cost millions in lost revenue. We then fundamentally changed the user journey so new customers would be less likely to meet the error scenario in the first place.